Once again another week has flown by! I have to admit that starting a new transfer in a new area made time slow down a little bit but now it is speeding right back up!
Transfer calls where Sunday night and we found out that Elder Morgan is getting transferred to Duncan. We are really mad about it because we all love being each others companions. We were hoping we would stay at least 1 more transfer together but President decided to crush that dream!
Elder Morgan is pretty bummed about leaving. When we went to bed last night he just covered himself under his blankets and said if he doesn't get up in the morning then don't talk to him. He got up so we can talk to him!
He also keeps coming up to Bob (Elder Richey), We always call Elder Richey Bob. Along with a few other people from the branch, but Elder Morgan comes up to hug us and then he says he doesn't want to go. It is pretty sad 
This past week we did quite a bit of finding. Unfortunately it was a little windy which made it cold but we survived! We didn't find any new investigators through our finding efforts but we were able to get a referral from our mission president. About 2 weeks ago President Walkenhorst sent Elder Morgan, Bob, and I an email telling us about a lady named Susan Flackman that he wanted us to go see. Susan has had exposure to the church because she has family members who are members of the church. We gave Susan a call and she seemed excited to talk with us and she told us she would look at her schedule and give us a call. Well she didn't call so this week we went over one evening to see if she was home and she was! We talked with her and her 7 year old grandson on the porch. She told us that she is facing trials and challenges in her life that she doesn't understand why she has to go through them. We were able to share a little bit about the gospel with her and help her see that challenges are part of life. The important thing for us to remember is that we aren't going to be given a trial that we can't overcome.
Susan's spirit was lifted and she wasn't feeling depressed anymore. She started to say how it sucks because we don't have a church in Alva. We told her that we do have a church in Alva and it just so happens to be about 3 blocks from her house. She got so excited and said that she is going to come to church Sunday and that she was bringing her grandson because hanging out with Grandma is cooler then hanging out with the family. Hopefully we will be able to go over this week and teach Susan and the rest of her family she is living with.
When Elder Morgan, Bob, and I were tracting one day a truck pulled up by us and rolled the window down. There was 2 girls who said Hi to us and I recognized the girl sitting in the passenger seat! I went to school with her from 7th to 12th grade and she worked at good ole Buck's Ace Hardware with me. Her name is Amanda Leavitt but she goes by Mandi. She told us that they saw us walking and decided to say Hi since she is moving around a
little bit. Then she saw Bob and said "Hey you guys got a new one!" I was confused and decided she didn't recognize me. Maybe because she was talking to Elder Morgan but I was tripping out because I can't possibly have gone to school and worked with someone from Hurricane Utah and have run into them in Alva Oklahoma which has a population of about 5,000. The rest of the day Elder Morgan was jealous that I knew someone from home and I was still processing how this could be in my mind. Elder Morgan sent Mandi a text and asked her when we could come by and she said we could come by this week.
Wednesday night we were at dinner at the Smiley's and President Johnson, our branch president, President Johnson, tried calling us but we decided it could wait until after dinner. Then he tried again and Elder Morgan didn't answer it and this loving group of missionaries started arguing over who had to call him back because Elder Morgan lost nose goes and then he did it so he wouldn't have to. Elder Morgan called President Johnson back, slid the phone across the table to us and ran to the bathroom so Bob ran away to and I answered the phone. Turns out President Johnson wanted to talk to Elder Morgan so he could ask him to speak in sacrament meeting
That is what happens when you don't honor nose goes 
On Thursday we had to go to Enid for the second time this week. We had exchanges with the Zone Leaders and I got to go with Elder Curay. Elder Curay has been one of my Zone Leaders my whole mission. He was in OKC with me and got transferred to the Enid zone with me. Elder Curay and I did a lot of knocking doors. Elder Curay stepped into a little dip in the grass at this one house and it ended up being a pit and he fell into it. Luckily it was deep enough he didn't fall on his face! 
Well if running into 1 basher in Alva wasn't enough we ran into another one Sunday night! This guy just kept going off about us being "Elder" so and so. Apparently we aren't Elders because we are young, not married, and have 0 kids. We tried to help him understand the scriptures better but he wouldn't have it. It was funny because Bob was throwing all this stuff at him (Scriptures not actual objects) Then I watched the guys wife walk outside and grab some bibles out of the car and walk back inside. Then she came back out after a minute and gave him a paper with scriptures to use against us!! Bob really gets into bashing! It is really funny! He wasn't going to allow him to use all these scriptures against him. It was so funny to watch him bash with the guy. Elder Morgan and I gave up when we realized he wasn't going to listen to us. Oh Bob! 
Well that was my week!
Oh and I forgot my camera that is why there isn't any pictures this week!
Sincerely, Elder Brisk
That is all.
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