I can't believe that I have been out for 7 months. It seems like a lifetime and then it seems like a week. I guess it just depends on the day! Now I can officially start saying I have been out for 7 months.
This week flew by like a jet plane! 
I can't believe that it is already Monday again!? I don't even remember what I did this week. Probably something along the lines of missionary work.
Well on Tuesday we went to help the Richardson's with their house like usual. We got to carry a bunch of Drywall inside and insulate the rest of the house. We told them that we needed to be home by 5:30 and they signed up to feed us dinner. Little did we know she had a purpose for that and since we were in Kiowa Kansas we didn't have our vehicle so we were stuck there from 12:30-8:30PM! The branch wasn't to happy about that so our ward mission leader told us that if we ever get stuck in a situation like that again to call him and he will come rescue us. Our branch president wasn't very happy about it either. Sister Richardson came to sacrament though! First time in a long time. Now if we could just get brother Nephi Richardson to come to church we would be fine. You would think having a name like Nephi would make you an active member. Some peoples children...
Let's skip to the high light of this week...
We got to go have a sleep over in Stillwater, OK Friday night. It was terrible because the couch was the worst thing ever and the floor needed vacuumed and I was not about to sleep on it. I managed to survive though! We woke up at 4 so all 7 of us could get ready with one bathroom and be at the church by 5:15. somehow Elder Morgan, Elder Richey, and I were the first ones there. We even beat the charter bus! The Bus showed up and so did all the other missionaries and we headed for Tulsa. I feel asleep on the bus and apparently was out. I felt really good though! We arrived in Tulsa an hour early. Good thing the whole mission plus the Arkansas Bentonville Mission was there so we had a lot of people to talk to. Then Elder D. Todd Christopherson of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles arrived! along with Elder Southward, and Elder Lynn G. Robins of the Quorum of the Seventy. Everyone got to shake their hands and Elder Christopherson stared into my soul!!
Everyone came ready to accept being rebuked by an apostle and change but He didn't even rebuke us! He just thanked us for being full time missionaries! He is a pretty funny guy! He was the 3rd person to speak to us so when he got up to the podium he told us to go ahead and stand up, stretch a little bit. So everyone stands up and Elder Christopherson started doing Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes and we all laughed. 
Elder Christopherson said that the First Presidency and Quorum of the 12 Apostles are very grateful for us because all 15 of them couldn't share the gospel with the whole world. He talked about how in the scriptures Heavenly Father says this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. Heavenly Father was pleased with his son Jesus Christ and He is pleased with us as missionaries! I never realized the extent of the word "pleased" I have been studying about that a little bit these past few days.
In Hebrews 11:6 it says
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
We should have a desire to please God! He is our loving Heavenly Father who created us and the world we live in. We need to develop faith in Him to be able to please him. We can develop faith by doing the simple primary answers, Go to church, Pray, Read the scriptures, and Keep the commandments! Once we have done the best we can we will know that He is pleased with us.
On Sunday we had our Stake President, President Bowman, attend our little branch. We had 50 people at church! That is a record high in the time that I have been here! In Priesthood he taught the Plan of Salvation to our investigator Tim and it was awesome! I learned more about it then I already knew and I have been teaching it for 7 months! Tim was taking notes and everything! I can't wait for Tim and Gwenna to get baptized! They told us that every time we go to their house for a lesson they will be feeding us and she is a super good cook so we didn't object!
Well that is all for this week! Hope you learned something and developed a desire to change. Or maybe you got rebuked. Sorry not sorry.
Oh remember my nasty nail from December? When Elder Neves slammed it in a tail gate? Don't worry only 2 months later it finally fell off 
Sincerely Elder Brisk
That is all.
TULSA!!! OKC is better because we have the Devon tower.
This is what happens when you try to get your suits dry
cleaned for an apostle. I literally spelled my name for her
I tried to get a picture with Elder D. Todd Christopherson but he was to
quick so I got a side shot of him! Probably his good side too.
Sometimes Elder Richey falls asleep on road trips...Ok he falls asleep A LOT!
Some rules are made to be broken. Unless they are God's...Don't break those!
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