We are getting so busy.. I LOVE IT!!
So this week we got a new investigator! His name is Kelvin, He is 22 years old and came here from Kenya! We were riding our bikes and apparently we passed him before but as we went back down his street we saw him and stopped to talk to him. He asked us if we wanted to go have a conversation so we went and shared the Restoration with him! It was super cool! We have had a total of 3 lessons with him this week and he just soaks everything up! He also told us he was scared because he thought we were the 2 prophets spoke of in the book of Revelation who will be stoned in the last days. haha nope not us!
We tried to see a potential investigator the elders had before we took over both wards. He was home and we found out he is a less active member but he wants to come back to church! Unfortunately he didn't make it Sunday but we are going to see him again this week! We might start teaching his brother too! His name is Brother Withers and he works at Buffalo Wild Wings. He is going to bring me some boneless honey BBQ wings!! 
We went to the Saint Anthony's hospital where we visited with a young boy named Brandon. He is a member and is in the behavior medicine facility. That place was so sad!! All these kids just locked up in there with only an hour visit from anyone. The employee's weren't even that nice! Brandon was happy to see us though and we were glad we could make it.
We got to see Ray and Yesika Cordier!! They haven't been coming to church so we are going to try and work with them. We sat down and read a story from the Book of Mormon with them and there was a sweet spirit that filled the room. Please pray for them!
We have been meeting with the Ward council leaders and their presidencies to promote member missionary work. So far we have only had 3 meetings but they have been so helpful! That is the main reason we are so busy! Every member a missionary. Go share the gospel with someone!! The missionaries will love you!! ;)
In the Edmond 2nd ward we both bore our testimonies and the spirit was so strong! We also got to teach Relief Society about the new ward mission plan. Our ward mission leader, Brother May, taught it with us and it was such a spiritual lesson!
This week has been so great! We are going to Frontier City for p day and we have been waiting for this day for months!! Remember who you are, make good choices!
Love Elder Brisk
Working in the city!
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