This is my last email as Elder Brisk...I only have a few more days as a missionary! It is extremely bitter sweet. I am going to miss this place!! Oklahoma is more than a flat land with humid heat and wind, it is where I became converted to Jesus Christ and His gospel. I will forever be thankful for the opportunity I have had to serve Christ.
A mission is not easy! It is full of ups and downs, headaches, frustrations, stress, anxiety, exhaustion, sorrow, peace, joy, love and about every other physical, mental and emotional thing you can think of! This is the Lord's work and there is no better way to come to know Christ than to serve Him.
I got to bless the sacrament and say the closing prayer in 4th ward. Then Elder Hansen and I got to speak in 2nd ward. Everyone really liked our talks too!! We gave farewell talks because I am going home and they are splitting up Edmond 24 so Elder Hansen will go be in 4th ward and 2 new missionaries will take over 2nd ward.
I just love this gospel! My testimony has been established and strengthened so much. When you truly appreciate the gospel and can see how it has blessed you then you'll want to share it!
We were riding our bikes and there was this lady getting her mail. I wasn't to confident she was going to be interested. As we talked to her she was the classic nice lady, gave us water, has a church and believes in Jesus Christ. The whole time I was thinking to myself well she isn't going to be interested, she is fine, but I told her that we not only help people gain faith in Jesus Christ but we help them strengthen their faith as well and asked if she would be interested in hearing our message. She said "You two young men can come by on Friday at 10am and I will talk with you for 30 minutes." IT WAS SO COOL! Her name is Valerie. Lesson is don't judge people! Always invite them to hear the message of the restored gospel!!
I will be flying into St. George at 1:10pm on Thursday August 3rd.
My homecoming talk will be in the Hurricane 3rd ward on August 13th at 9am.
Thanks again for all the support and prayers. I am so grateful for the people in my life who I met before and during my mission. You have all influenced by life and I love you! Christ Lives!!!
Elder Brisk, over and out! 
That is all.
Exchanges with Elder Adams
My wallet after walking 7 miles...definitely need a new one
Elder Whetten, Elder Jeffs and I are all "dying"
This is probably one of the best church videos I have seen on my mission. lol