This week was a very stressful week! But I managed to pull through.
The reason it was stressful is because I have been sick this whole week and Elder Neves threw his back out Wednesday Morning so we haven't been at the top of our game. We also had to prepare for a baptism all by ourselves. Our Ward Mission Leader decided to run off to Ecuador until January 9th and I had no idea how to set up a baptism let alone baptize someone. We had to find speakers for the baptism which was difficult because literally everyone is having family for the Holidays. Luckily we got the Bishop's wife and Sister Holley to give the talks on Baptism and the Holy Ghost. Sister Golding made the Baptism Programs and we got Sister Johnson to play the Piano.
Elisa and PJ got baptized!!!!! I got to baptize them and I must say that was the coolest thing ever! I was nervous but once I stepped into the water all my nerves were calmed and I was so excited to baptize them! I didn't even mess up! After I performed the baptisms we confirmed Pj and the rest of the night I felt so warm. It felt like I was wearing my electric blanket. Best day ever! I know that I was sent here to help the Valdez family. Sister Valdez got my very first priesthood blessing and Her daughter, Elisa, got my first baptism. I now feel content to get transferred. I know I have probably helped a lot of people but I know for a fact that the Valdez family was waiting for me. Wow being a missionary is so cool!
On Tuesday we had our Christmas Conference. It went from 8am to 8pm. Longest meeting on my mission yet! The tall guy (President Walkenhorst) Talked to us about the mission and how it is doing. He really focused on Baptisms. He wants us to get 100 Baptisms this transfer and that sounds like a lot. There are 90 areas in the mission so that means each companionship needs to get at least 1 baptism and then we will reach 90 baptism. We just had 2 so I think we contributed to the extra 10 the mission needs to meet the goal of 100. Hopefully we will be able to have Ray and Yesika Cordier get baptized.
Speaking of Ray and Yesika, Satan has been hitting them hard ever since we had the awesome lesson and committed them to work towards January 2nd as a baptismal date. We went over to have a lesson with them and Yesika wasn't home. Ray told us a little about what has been happening and why they didn't make it to church or the ward party. It is because their marriage is a little rocky and Satan knows that. We told Ray that we think him and Yesika need to do comp inventory. That is what us missionaries do. Pretty much we talk about our strengths and then we just lay on the stuff that annoys us about each other and then we try and work on our flaws. He thought that was a good idea! We also told him to talk to bishop and to PRAY!
Speaking of prayer, In Mosiah 4:11 it says "...I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness." I want you to read that entire scripture.
We need to always remember our Heavenly Father in our everyday lives. He created us and without him we would be and are nothing. He has blessed us with all the things we have and we often forget that. Remember in your prayerstonight to thank Him for all he has blessed you with and will bless you with.
I hope everyone is geared up for Christmas! Try not to get caught up in the presents and Santa Clause. Remember YOUR savior, Jesus Christ.
I know that he really is our savior and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can have true joy. I love this gospel and my calling as a missionary. There are people out there who the Lord has prepared to hear the gospel at this time and I am hear to devote all my time to serving Him by bringing the lost sheep back into the fold.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me as I have been out and during this Christmas season. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers very much!
Have a Merry Christmas!
Sincerely, Elder Brisk
That is all.
Elisa and Pj after thier baptism. Look how clean they are!! WOW
Sometimes the Sisters say they look good and make us take a district picture...
The MTC district minus my companion Elder Ricks.
Christmas Conference was so fun!! Oh.. and that is our Mission President creepin in the back of our picture!
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