Remember those 8 new investigators we found last week? Well only like 2 of them are actually solid at the moment. Why can't people just love the gospel!?
This week we have been working with a less active member who was baptized the beginning of this year. He has been smoking for a while and we have been helping him quit. He actually really wants to quit this time. He is currently at 15 cigarettes a day and he is dropping them by 1 everyday (Well trying to). We committed him to read the Book of Mormon every time he has a urge to smoke and that will take his mind off of it. He has read the whole book of 2 Nephi and is currently in Jacob right now. He is killing it in his Book of Mormon reading! If only he was an investigator!!
Remember Ricky Corpus? We were teaching him when I first got here and then he wasn't sure if he still wanted to be taught. Well we had a lesson with him the other day and his aunt came over. She has been taking him to the Seventh Day Adventist church and she tried to throw some bible scriptures at us but I love proving people wrong so of course I pulled out scriptures to counteract her "concern" Well by the end of the little chat with her she said she would read the Book of Mormon and wanted one in Spanish. She said we can teach Ricky because we are teaching him good things and he is learning more. So weird plot twist but we are going to teach the aunt that tried to destroy us?! Ricky is starting to progress though! HUGE MIRACLE!
We have been doing some finding this week. Knocking doors is always fun! You never know what you're going to run into. We met a guy who studied religion so he wasn't interested, met a hick that goes to cowboy church, of course, after we knocked on a door and walked down the street the lady came outside her house, moved her cars, and then went back inside. We talked with a guy who is the Pastor at the Assembly of God church. He was so in need of the gospel. He actually said that a lot of the pastors aren't holding to the doctrine of the gift of tongues....he literally said his church wasn't true. Anywho we didn't find anyone super solid this week.
We had another lesson with our investigator Kellie in Seymour this week. It was a good lesson! This time we took Brother and Sister Harnist with us and Sister Harnist was a really good friend for Kellie. She tried to get out of having the lesson with us by saying her cat got surgery? She felt like she needed to read more before the lesson. She was super glad that she didn't cancel on us though!
On our way home from Seymour we were driving down the high way and this bird was flying in front of us and it just made a 90 degree turn towards us and dive bombed our car! I swear you can't go to Seymour without almost killing an animal!!
This week I have been studying about Prayer. As a district we want to help those we teach learn how to pray with faith. Elder Christofferson said that we treat Heavenly father as a butler who fills our demands. We need to remember to thank him for the things he has blessed us with. The scriptures tell us to be sincere in heart, have real intent, and faith that he will answer our prayers. In Alma 37:37 it uses the word "Counsel" Have a conversation with your Heavenly Father. Seek guidance from him and be willing to act on the answers he gives you. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much! He will answer in His own time and in His own way.
Love Elder Brisk
That is all.
Sonic runs make everything better! Try the new sonic blast flavor funnel!!! 
This car keeps getting beat up! Stupid Bird!!!
Yellow watermelon!!