This week we decided that it was time for us to go and visit the Jones family because we hadn't seen them in a few weeks. The Elder Brother Jones had an operation and we wanted to see how everything went. When we texted Brother Jones he told us that we could come by and have dinner. Missionary's will NEVER turn down free food! The Jones are a part member family meaning that not everyone has been baptized. I really wanted to start working with this family so after dinner we were able to talk about the Book of Mormon with them. Brother and Sister Jones said they would read the Book of Mormon and Sister Jones actually asked if we had an app for it because she reads the bible off of her phone. We showed her the gospel library app and showed her how to work it. She said that work better for them than it would reading the actual book. She was pretty excited about reading it after we had explained it's purpose! #NewGator
Isaac wanted to come out with us because we are his best friends! We decided to get out of Alva and go to Cherokee to track down Gwenna and Tim because it has been a while since we heard from them. We found Gwenna at home, Tim was working, and we were able to read the Book of Mormon with her. She told us that Tim wants her to give the cowboy church as fair of a chance as she gave the LDS church and so she is. She knows it isn't true and she doesn't like it. She told us that she is pretty much going to interrogate the preacher about things he said that she does't believe in. (example: Celestial,Terrestrial, Telestial Kingdom's and outer darkness instead of Heaven and Hell) She said if he won't answer he questions or gets offensive she is walking out and never going back and Tim said OK! Gwenna will be coming back to church with us soon! I know she has a testimony and I love her enough to not give up on her. I won't let her lose the testimony she has!
In Preach My Gospel there is a quote about testimonies from President Monson
It says: "Regarding one's testimony, remember, that which one willingly shares he keeps, while that which he selfishly keeps he loses....Teach and testify. There is no better combination.
We need to constantly be building up our testimonies and sharing them with everyone! Our testimonies are what we used to defeat Satan in the Pre-existence and they are what we can use on earth against him as well. SO SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY! :)
We got a referral for a guy named Michael Ashbaker. He requested a bible and we decided to give him a call to set up a time we could go talk to him and he said we could come by Saturday. He told me that him and his family are looking to learn more about Jesus and become more united as a family. He is going to be super solid and I am excited to go teach them! He had to reschedule so we are going to see him Sunday after church!
On Thursday we got a call from Elder Gorshe from the mission office. He has called us almost every morning this week about the places we looked at for the senior couple. On Thursday he told us he made the mistake of telling one of the landlord's he was talking to that he was from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and she hung up on him and wanted us to contact her! LOL We found out that the house they were going to rent was taken and so now we were back to square 1 (house hunting) Elder McVey and I spent the entire afternoon looking at places for rent and non of them were making the cut. We were driving around in frustration and I saw a for rent sign so we drove over to it!
While we waited for the landlord to come show us the duplex Elder McVey went across the street to ask these people if he could use their bathroom. Apparently he told me he had to go to the restroom and I didn't hear it?? WHOOPS! They let him use their restroom and I was able to turn it into a great tracting situation! They even said we could come back!
When we walked into the duplex Elder McVey and I were stunned because we didn't know a nice and clean place for rent existed in Alva. We both just looked at each other nodding our heads in awe! We can finally stop house hunting!!
We found out that Joy was in the Hospital Friday night but she is home now and she will be alright. She had some chest pain and did something to her ribs.
Elder McVey found a bug in my hair and he thought it was lice but it wasn't and so we decided to pull a prank on Sister Smiley by telling her I had lice and needed her help and she was up and ready to run to Walmart and get some supplies. We told her we were just kidding and she still feed us dinner!! Sister Smiley is probably my favorite member in Alva :)
Sister Johnson broke her foot and ankle 2 weeks ago and everyone at church told her she needed to take it easy and rest. Sister Johnson is always running around the place! Well this week Sister Johnson fell down her stairs and broke her other foot so she is in a wheel chair now! Everyone has just been shaking their head at her for trying to go down the stairs with crutches. It is kinda funny!
Please pray for Joy and Sister Johnson to have a swift recovery!
Transfer calls were Sunday night and Elder McVey will be getting transferred to Del City with Elder Debenham and Elder Smith. Elder Debenham is going home halfway through this next transfer because his dad is going to go through the temple! Elder McVey won't be in a trio for very long.
I will be getting Elder Bills! Elder Bills came out at the same time as me and we actually sat by each other on the plane from Minneapolis to Oklahoma. He is a super funny kid and I am so excited to serve with him!! :)
Have a great week! As a true Okie would say... "Love Y'all!"
Elder Brisk
That is all.
Smiley's + Missionaries = Best Friends Forever! :)
The clouds in Oklahoma are really cool!
Isaac is basically a missionary :)
It is us at manners tea in 2nd grade