The OOCM (Oklahoma Oklahoma City Mission) is going to be getting 3 more stakes in the Tulsa area. This is happening on Wednesday! This means that the branchs/wards in our mission will only get 1 set of missionaries whether it is a missionary couple, elders or sisters. There will be some wards that have more than 1 companionship because of size. With this news Vernon will be losing Elders and keeping Elder and Sister Johnson.
Elder Brisk is going to get transferred to Edmond, Oklahoma!! Edmond is the rich part of our mission so not to sure how receptive people will be but I'm excited! My companion will be Elder Adams or Adam...can't remember. We will be leaving Vernon on Wednesday so please don't send anything to Vernon!!
My new address is
400 W Edmond Rd
Apt. 13D
Edmond, OK 73003
Funny story because Elder Davis said all he wanted was to go back to Oklahoma and I told him watch him go to Wichita Falls, Texas, and guess what...HE DID! He was a little upset but he's excited now :)
This week was less than Eventful. We had Christmas Conference all day Tuesday where President Mansell told us about Tulsa, We had some musical numbers, some words of encouragement and then we enjoyed a waffle bar, gingerbread houses, The Burkburnett zone did a special musical number that Sister Mansell posted on Facebook, and then we had a Turkey dinner and stopped in Chickasha to look at some lights on our way home!
I have been sick since Wednesday but I am finally getting better just in time or Christmas!
Vernon has been dead. Not a fly is moving so you could say we are more than excited to leave. Especially because we will both have more work!!
I am sad to leave the Johnson's behind. They have been so good to us and I love serving around them. They are sad to lose us too because they say missionaries are what makes the mission fun! I guess we really are the life of the party! ;)
I invite all of you to find the time to read Matthew 1&2 and Luke 1&2 about our Saviors birth. Christmas is literally tomorrow! I am so excited!!! The wise men gave gifts and I think we focus a lot of the gifts during this time of year. We need to focus on Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Savior and Redeemer of the world. I am so thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ. I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be true and restored to the earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know that we can all return to live with our Heavenly Father through the Plan of Salvation. I invite you to find out who Christ is to you personally and then to continually increase your relationship with him. He will bless our lives and our families lives!
Fun Christmas Facts!
1. Swaddling clothes made it so the babies would have good posture
2. 3 gifts given but could have been more than 3 wise men!
3. Christ was actually born on April 6, same day the church was organized
Love and miss you all. I will talk to you next year!
Have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Love Elder Brisk 
That is all.
Some of my favorite people right here! 
The one and only Vernon Texas Gingerbread house
Pillsbury holiday cookies are a must have